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Getting Reviews for your books

13 July 2021

A few thoughts on what you should do and what you should not do, when asking for reviews.

Be nice, that is rule one.

You would think that would be obvious, but authors can get frustrated too. Just remember that this person, this reviewer, is doing you a huge favour, so, be nice.

When it comes to asking for and receiving book reviews, be polite and courteous.

Do send a free book copy. That is vital.

Do be flattering, not about them but about their site, their previous reviews and mention the good things you have heard about them.

Do read the reviewer’s genre likes and specifications for reviews. Learn what they accept and if they will do other pieces, like interviews or guest bloggers.

Do read some of their articles and their past reviews of books in your genre. If you want to write a piece for them, be interviewed by them or have them review your work then it helps to know a little about them and their style. What they like and what they do not like will help you to get the tone of your approach just right.

Do let them know how your book is right for them, and how you can help to spread the word of their review.

Never ask a reviewer to purchase your book. That is very cheeky and remember they are doing you a favour, it should not put them out of pocket.

Never waste a reviewer’s time. It is rude to ask a reviewer of kids books to take a look at your horror novel. And one day you may write a kids book and that mis-step could put the reviewer off dealing with you.

Never be unprofessional. This can work both with being pushy and rude and overly friendly. Be professional, keep it work related and do not stray into your personal life or make any comments that you would not feel comfortable making to your boss at work.

And remember that any publicity is good publicity. Do not dismiss a reviewer because the blog is small, or they have only a few followers. If those followers buy your book, then that is not only a sale, but it is people talking about your book, mentioning the review, knowing you exist. Every article, review, interview or piece in any format should be seen as a golden opportunity to widen the circle of people that know your book exists and that will buy it.

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